Whether you want to call it Mindfulness or Meditation, the practice has existed for millennia. Backed by science, practiced by mystics, embraced by societies’ movers and shakers, meditation opens you up to the realm of possibility that lies within.

Meditation is not meant to silence the mind, it helps you manage your thoughts & emotions.

“As a dedicated practitioner, I have experienced profound benefits ranging from laser point focus where I’ve learned to use distractions as a vehicle to become more present, living in the moment. I’ve also seen improvements to my mental, physical and emotional heath. My relationships have blossomed. Meditation has given me freedom and today I am no longer the servant to my “inner roommate” who was constantly trying to tell me how my life should be and how I should be in it.” - Yvette

Preparing For Your Experience

If you can lie down, you are already half way there! To prepare for the free meditations offered below

  1. Your room should be dimly lit & quiet.

  2. Pets can serve as a distraction so keep them with you or put them in another room. Personally, my cats love to practice with me.

  3. Place cell phones on “do not disturb.”

  4. Have a blanket handy in case you get cool. Your body temperature can drop 2-3 degrees during the practice.

  5. For lower back issues, prop your knees with a pillow or lie on your side. You want to be comfortable.

Yoga Nidra Meditation Library


Peace In Chaos

The purpose of this meditation is to address anxiety and give you the tools to help manage your feelings, finding peace in the midst of the chaos that surrounds you.

This guided sleep-based meditation (Yoga Nidra) experience was recorded live for a private Facebook Isagenix health and wellness group.

“Do not let the behavior of others destroy your inner peace.” - Dalai Lama


I Accept Myself As I Am

This meditation begins with a reflection based on our human practice of turning nothing into something and then we find our minds and emotions running wild with it. We constantly exhaust ourselves trying to control everything and everyone around us. But why?

Why do we continue fighting the tide? Simply shifting our perspective 2mm to the right or left, we can shift how we feel. When we practice accepting ourselves as we are, we turn our boats around and learn to go with the flow.

“You are already that which you seek.”  ― Ramana Maharshi

I Am Love

This meditation includes a reading from OSHO's The Book of Women where he challenges readers to reclaim and assert the feminine qualities of love, joy, and celebration, to bring a reunion of the intellect and the heart that is so desperately needed now. The focus is LOVE ... and we begin with love of the self.

"The woman should search into her own soul … and she will have a beautiful future." - Osho

Recorded live for a health and wellness group.


Chakra Meditation

A journey through the chakras with Beej Matra Chanting

Inspired by Anodea Judith’s book Wheels of Life:  "Let the Rainbow Bridge of the soul unfold before you as you walk your path."

Beej mantras are sounds of the Spirit. They work in the invisible planes of the universe and their vibrational impact can cause miracles to happen. When chanted with intention, Beej mantras can dissolve the emotional and mental blocks long held in the body and help to manifest the intentions of the practitioner.

“Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers.” - Mignon McLaughlin

Sanctuary of Silence

It is when we journey inward that we find our deepest answers. It is in silence that we hear the snow fall and know we are never alone. Close your eyes, quiet your mind and know I am there.

The more often you visit this space of inner silence, the easier it is to access and the longer it lingers so that when you are in moments of reaction, you begin to draw from the wellspring of silence within and shift from reaction to response.

Silence isn’t empty, it’s full of answers.

Contact Yvette

I offer a variety of services around meditation.


  • Corporate Stress Management

  • Labyrinth combined with Character Strengths

  • Visit the About page to see the full list of seminars.


All sessions are adapted based upon the needs of the individual or group.

Sessions can be conducted virtually and in person.


What is I AM Yoga Nidra™ Meditation?

Yoga Nidra is an ancient sleep-based meditation technique that has the power to take you to the innermost, deepest levels of relaxation where your whole body and being is permeated by peace of mind and profound stillness. It unlocks the mystical, integrative powers of the subconscious, as well as your higher centers of consciousness, to effortlessly erase your most tenacious, self-destructive habits and behavior patterns. It is said by yogis that 45 minutes of Yoga Nidra is as restorative as three hours of sleep. - Kamini Desai, PhD